20 Piece Roadside Emergency Kit List for Travelers


Your Ultimate 20 Piece Roadside Emergency Kit List

If you travel by vehicle often it’s absolutely essential that you have a well thought out roadside emergency kit. While we strive for travel to be a flawless experience it’s best to plan for the worst. 

There’s a multitude of things that can go wrong while on the road, but this doesn’t mean these issues can’t be addressed by a well thought out car emergency kit list. You’d honestly be surprised how much you can handle on your own with the right tools. You can virtually kiss roadside assistance goodbye for the majority of minor quips. 

As travelers we use our cars, trucks, suv’s, minivans, RV’s and more on all kinds of roads and terrain. Some are close to help while others may leave you truly on your own to handle any mishaps that may occur. 


With this roadside emergency tool kit you’ll not only be equipped for yourself, but potentially others whom may not be as prepared as you.

So let’s get into it! 

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1. Jump Starter


One of the most common car trouble issues is a dead battery. This could be because of an old battery or too many devices pulling power while the battery isn’t being charged. As travelers we tend to carry more devices that demand the juice of our vehicles batteries.

After numerous occasions of experiencing dead batteries ourselves and within our group we decided to stop messing around. We picked up the Clore Automotive Jump-N-Carry JNC770R 1700 Peak Amp Premium 12 Volt Jump Starter. This is the jump starter your premium road side assistance carries. It has enough juice to jump a semi-truck. Seriously! 

On top of that it also has 2x USB ports and a 12 volt plug in to charge any of your electronics and more. 

Admittedly the price is steep, but the peace of mind of being able to jump your own vehicle, literally any size vehicle, without the need of another is priceless when you’re traveling. 

Jumper cables are great when you’re in the city, but when it’s been a few hours since you’ve seen another car out on the open road or trail they become worthless. 

You can opt for smaller portable jump starters, but nothing will bring the consistency, speed, power, and longevity as this one. We’re talking instant start every time. 

2. Tire Repair Kit


We’ve all been there. The dreaded feeling of a bumpy ride on an otherwise smooth road. Flat tires are honestly a part of travel. The more miles you go the more likely you’ll experience a flat tire, but it doesn’t have to ruin your trip. 

Luckily most vehicles have a spare tire handy, but not all. Also, many of todays vehicles offer merely a ‘donut’ or smaller emergency tire which is only suggested for limited use until you get a full size tire back on. 

Not ideal for travelers. 

And when you potentially get more than 1 flat? Yikes. But no worries. Simply add the ARB Speedy Seal Tire Repair Kit to your emergency items to keep in car. 

After using the tools in this tire repair kit your original, full size tire is good as new.

But there is a slight catch; you’ll need to fill your recently deflated tire with air. Which brings us to our next item on our homemade car survival kit. 

3. Portable Air Compressor 


A portable air compressor is a vital part of our roadside emergency kit list. It has a multitude of situational uses. 


  • Newly Patched Tire
  • Lower Tire Pressure for Cold Weather
  • Higher Tire Pressure for Hot Weather
  • Slow Leaking Tire
  • New Tires
  • Spare Tires
  • Airing Down for Off Road
  • Airing Up for On Road

There are 2 types of portable air compressors. Those that operate using the 12-Volt plug and those that connect directly to your vehicles battery. We 110% recommend the latter. 

12-Volt air compressors are ok in a pinch, but they aren’t much help for any vehicle larger than a small car. They’re very slow, require time to cool down, and have a much higher chance of overheating. As travelers you will absolutely want something more powerful, efficient, and dependable. 

Our choice for virtually all tire sizes is the VIAIR 300P Portable Air Compressor. 

With this portable air compressor you can fill a flat tire from empty to ready to go in less than 5 minutes. 

4. 2-in-1 Tire Deflator and Pressure Gauge


But why would you want to deflate your tires? There are 2 specific case scenarios that you would want to intentionally deflate some air from your tires. One being cold weather conditions and the other being off road driving. 

When it’s cold out roads tend to be slicker so it helps to drive with more traction. Yes, you guessed it. A tire with less air provides more surface traction to the road being driven on. 

The other case is when off roading. Any vehicle will benefit from  less air in the tires to allow more traction over uneven terrain. 

An added bonus to the ARB ARB600 E-Z Deflator with Bar/Psi Gauge is that is also measures a tires PSI, making it a 2-in-1 tool in your roadside recovery kit. 

Use this tool to air up and air down dependent on the situation. Measuring PSI is essential when fixing a flat tire as well as maintaining appropriate tire pressure for on and off road use. 

5. Mini D Handle Shovel


Whether it be mud, loose dirt, sand, or deep snow being stuck in it sucks. But sometimes all it takes is a few passes of a shovel to remove enough debris from under a tire or two to get your vehicle back up and moving. 

We learned our lesson after getting stuck in snow on a dirt road in the backcountry of Wyoming. We fortunately had service and called for help. $400usd later, a 4×4 pick up truck showed up and they simply used a shovel (which we did not have at the time) to free up snow from under our tires and we were right on our way. No tow required.

Since then we always have our True Temper 24-Inch D-Grip Shovel with Hardwood Handle with us no matter the type of travel. It could save your trip and your wallet. 

6. Recovery Traction Tracks 


If your travels involve any degree of sand, mud, or snow whether it be on old, desolate roads or even back country off roading then you will most certainly want a pair of X-BULL Recovery Traction Tracks. 

They’re essentially large polymer boards that you place underneath your powered tires to regain traction and get your tires unstuck. 

Leading competitor brands cost 3x as much as the X-BULL’s. So they’re not only exceedingly functional, but their value exceeds all other traction tracks on the market. 

Between a shovel and traction tracks we’re virtually fearless when it comes to sand, mud, and snow. 

7. Reflective Warning Road Safety Triangle Kit


Creating a safe space to work on or around your vehicle is important both on highly trafficked roads and in dark desolate areas. 

Setting a small perimeter using a Reflective Warning Road Safety Triangle Kit will ensure oncoming traffic sees you and exercises caution as they approach or pass you. 

They can also be used to signal for help should you need further assistance and don’t have cell service. 

8. Head Lamps 


Did we mention that when we got stuck in snow in the back country of Wyoming that it was also night time? We actually had to stay the night before we could get help. Fortunately we had headlamps to navigate around our vehicle and prepare ourselves for the night ahead of us. 

Headlamps are definitely a staple in our roadside emergency kit. They make life so much easier after dark. 

Changing a tire, jump starting a vehicle, digging snow out from under a tire etc. a headlamp makes a world of a difference and it’s best to keep at least 2 in your car emergency roadside kit. Either as a back up or if you’re traveling with more than 1 person. 

You’d be pressed to find a better deal than the ALIPRET 1100 Lumen Super Bright Motion Sensor Rechargeable Head Lamps. No need to deal with throw away batteries. Simply charge in you vehicle or using a power bank. 

9. Power Bank


Speaking of power banks, as travelers we tend to move with our electronics everywhere we go. Having extra juice on hand is not only great for general use, but in emergencies too. 

Ensure your phone, headlamps, laptops, and whatever other devices you may need to use in a tough situation have the power they need. 

There are tons of power banks on the market, but our specific point of use is to add this to our roadside emergency checklist. We love the QiSa 30,000mAh Solar Power Bank because it can be charged without electricity, it’s shockproof, waterproof, dustproof, has a built in flashlight, and it can charge up to 4 devices at once including wireless Qi enabled devices. 

10. Emergency Wool Blankets


We hope you never have to unintentionally sleep in or outside your vehicle, but it pays dividends to have a couple wool blankets for emergencies. 

Fortunately we had 2 of these Arcturus Military Wool Blankets when we were stranded out in the Wyoming back country to keep us warm during the snowy winter night. 

Wool is exceptionally warm and continues to keep you warm even when wet. It’s also naturally fire retardant making them all around great emergency blankets. 

11. Rigid Water Container 


As travelers on the road we should always have a water reserve. An unexpected situation can call for lengthy amounts of time without any potable water nearby. 

Having a sturdy container with water on hand will ensure you have the most basic necessity during a not so favorable situation. 

The Reliance Products Jumbo-Tainer 7 Gallon Jerry Can Style Rigid Water Container is built for people like us. Those who travel long and far and demand a niche product to help us survive. 

Not too big and not too small, this capable container has 2 carry handles, a water spigot, and small tapped hole for consistent water flow. 

Spare drinking water and the ability to wash hands, tools, and anything else relieves some potential stress on the road. 

It’s also wise to have food at the ready and you can keep it fresh and healthy by using any of these 4 Best Coolers Hold Ice for 7+ Days. 

12. First Aid Kit


This one should be a no brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t have a first aid kit on their roadside car emergency check list. 

Protect yourself, friends, family, and even other travelers with the M2 BASICS 321 Piece Emergency First Aid Kit. It has everything you’d need for basic first aid out in the field with a wonderfully spelt out item list right on the front of the box. 

This is of course one of those kits you wish you don’t ever need, but super happy to have when those accidents do happen. 

13. Mechanics Tool Kit


Just like our shovel situation, sometimes a simple tool is all that is needed in order to get your vehicle back up and running. 

Adding a basic tool kit like the DEWALT Mechanics Tools Kit and Socket Set can save you hundreds of dollars and headaches from unnecessary roadside assistance. 

When you’re not traveling you could easily use this as a home set of tools too! 

14. Work Gloves


When they say ‘Get Your Hands Dirty’ you don’t actually have to get your hands dirty. 

Wearing a proper set of work gloves not only keeps your hands clean, but protects them from injuries and the outside elements too. 

Tried and true are the Mechanix Wear: The Original Work Gloves. 

Comfortable, lightweight, true to size, form fitting, and excellent tactile range. Everything we want from a work glove. 

15. Folding Pocket Knife


No, we’re not angling a pocket knife for self defense, but as a tool in your roadside emergency kit. A pocket knife can come in handy for all sorts of jobs. 

From opening packaging, cutting cables, rope, and more. It’s one of those tools you don’t think you need until you have it at the ready. 

Now I have a serious history with pocket knives going all the way back to 2009. Having owned knives over a hundred different knives from various leading manufacturers from budget to super high end I can still attest to this day that Spyderco is my favorite folding knife manufacturer. 

A dependable, budget friendly knife that won’t let you down when you need it most is the Spyderco Tenacious Lightweight Folding Knife. 

It has a durable, lightweight polymer constructed handle made up of fiber glass reinforced nylon. The blade is stainless steel so you don’t have to worry about rust. The working edge is 3.39″, enough for virtually any task you’d put it through. 

16. Reliable Pen


Writing down part numbers, model numbers, directions, coordinates, or any other important notes that will aid you getting back on the road is invaluable. 

Adding a trusty pen to your roadside emergency kit checklist will ensure you record the right information when you need it most. 

The famous Fisher Bullet Space Pen has been a part of our kit for over a decade. It can write in literally any conditions and in any direction. In the rain, underwater, sideways, upside down, in extreme temperatures etc. you name it. 

A pressurized ink cartridge ensures it’s function, writing, no matter what. 

17. Weatherproof Notebooks


Okay, you now have your bomb-proof pen. It’s time to add an equally incredible notepad. 

The Rite in the Rain Weatherproof Top-Spiral Notebook is a 3×5 inch notebook that accepts and retains ink in the harshest of conditions. 

With these you can rest assured any important information stays put, free from smearing, bleeding, or completely washing away. All-Weather paper won’t turn to mush when wet and will repel water, sweat, grease, mud, and even survive the accidental laundry mishaps. 

While stuck out in Wyoming back country we had to literally right down the coordinates of our location during a snow storm in order to get help. 

We didn’t have to worry about any the previously mentioned issues with our space pen and rite in the rain notepad. 

18. Snow Brush and Ice Scraper


Wiping snow off a windshield with bare hands and trying to figure out how to defrost completely frozen over glass is not how we like to spend our time when traveling. 

If your travel involves snow and ice then you’ll absolutely need a Snow Brush and Ice Scraper.  It will pay dividends in how fast and efficient you can clear your windows and get back on the road. 

Take it from a couple whose had to deal with wet arms and boiling water to defrost windows during travel. Never again! 

If you’ve never done winter travel be sure to check out How to Survive a Winter Road Trip. 

19. Tire Chains/Cables


If you’re not sporting off road tires and a 4×4 transmission you should consider adding tire chains or cables to your roadside emergency kit checklist. 

Many roads throughout the states actually require chains in order to advance during winter months. 

A more modern approach to tire chains are the Security Chain Company SZ143 Super Z6 Cable Tire Chain for Passenger Cars, Pickups, and SUVs. 

These can be installed in about 10 minutes without the need of moving your vehicle and they perform even better than traditional tire chains. On top of that they sport a universal fit so they can move between different types of vehicles. 

20. Weatherproof Storage Trunk


So you now have all this roadside assistance emergency kit, but how the heck are you going to store it and keep it safe from the elements? 

For us the 108 Quart Plano Storage Trunk is the perfect solution. Lightweight durable polymer construction, deep handles, wheels for easier transportation, and a 4 way latch locking lid. 

Everything can be found in this easy to transport trunk and it can fit in virtually any vehicle used for travel even as small as a 2 door car.

If you tend to be a heavy packer you can always find ways to slim things down with the help of our 7 Secrets to Minimalist Travel and Packing. 

We personally use 2 of them in the bed of our truck. One for emergency gear and the other for hiking and camping equipment. They’re amazing. 

Be Prepared and Don’t Let Car Trouble Ruin Your Travels


We’re travelers and travelers tend to go much further and longer than the average motorist. We find ourselves on desolate highways, back country roads, and even off road. 

Having the right tools at the right time is the difference between good travel stories and bad ones. Fortunately for you, you’ve done the necessary homework and compiled a comprehensive roadside emergency kit checklist that will ensure your stories stay on the bright side. 

Building a car emergency kit list like this can take time and doesn’t need to be fully completed all at once. We understand this would be a large up front cost. You could continue to save money by reviewing our 35 Ways to Save Money on a Road Trip. 

Did you find this roadside emergency kit checklist useful? Is there anything we missed that belongs on this list? We’d love to know in a comment below! 

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About the Author

Nathan Bernal is the co-founder, editor, and author of We Who Roam. As a life long adventure and gear enthusiast Nathan combines fun and expertise when out exploring the natural world. He's here to share his knowledge and inspire the adventurer in you.

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  1. We highly recommend the water container and blankets as they aren’t items that are usually remembered for first aid and travel safety kits. This is an excellent article about safety no matter whether it’s personal or business travel!

    1. Thank you so much! With so many things to bring on the road, it’s easy to forgot the simple but very important essentials. Safe travels!

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