Hey There! Are You A Part of We Who Roam?

We Who Roam (noun): A community of travelers who prefer to be outdoors exploring aimlessly. To want to go where the wind blows. Or where it doesn’t. To find peace in the beauty that the world offers collectively. To fall in love with home. For those who know that home is where you are right now.

Our mission is to create a sustainable living on the go while providing quality information, entertainment, and services for people worldwide. Our favorite travels often include nature, hiking, and obscure forms of entertainment along the way.

Follow us on our journey across the Earth to learn how we’re making travel a way of life!

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We are lovers, adventure seekers, nature enthusiasts, experience havers, and aspiring world travelers.

Our dream is becoming a reality: seeking out anything and everything this beautiful and crazy world has to offer.

Get to know us better by reading more about our story

Hiking allows us to explore the most natural parts of the Earth. You know, the parts we’ve touched the least and cherish the most. At We Who Roam, we cover a wide variety of hiking trails across all kinds of terrain.

Check out some of our top trails & adventure posts below or search for a hike on our hiking page!

Master Travel with Our Best Travel Tips

We love travel. We also love saving money. Learn to travel smart with these top Travel Tip posts.

Want to save even more? Check out our Travel Tips page to see all our posts on smarter, cheaper travel. 

Go Back in Time - Explore Historic Sites

While we’re often escaping to parts of the world where land has little human impact, we also love visiting the many historic sites our country has to offer. If it weren’t for our previous generations we couldn’t see or enjoy the planet the way we do today. 

For more history and culture, see our full page on Historic Spots.

Survive Any Situation with Gear We Love

How do we survive when we’re always outside and on the go? Simple. We use the most effective pieces of gear combining quality, performance, and price.

See more gear posts on our full page Gear We Love

Step Up Your Photography

Photography helps us document our journey and is very much an art form we enjoy. We specifically use a DSLR and shoot with both primes and zooms. With these posts you’ll learn useful information about gear, accessories, cameras, and lenses that will surely improve your photography.

See more posts like this on our Photography page.


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