We didn’t know too much about New Mexico before a 10 day road trip through the entire state. Now that we’ve traversed the land we can tell you with confidence that it’s rich with beauty and history!

We like to think of New Mexico that doesn’t seem to have to much on the surface, but is actually full of surprises.

Here you can hike down into a massive gorge, up into ancient cliff dwellings, and across cold, wet sand dunes made of the rare gypsum sand. Let us tell exactly how! 



Rio Grande Gorge Bridge: Crossing The Largest Gorge of New Mexico

If you've taken a road trip through New Mexico, you surely remember traveling through a seemingly endless shrubby desert. This is at least what we encountered traveling down the back ...

Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument: Climbing Into The Past

Hiking through nature has so many perks. Just to name a few: peacefulness, exercise, scenery, and the mental clarity you feel throughout your journey. We were looking forward to a ...

Why White Sands National Monument is Heaven On Earth

Can you imagine 224 miles of rare white gypsum crystals in the form of rolling sand dunes?! Over the course of our travels, Nathan and I have visited 3 U.S ...

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